50+ years of experiences for gives us better results. quality assurance certificates. top quality product.

Best of taste

The world’s most exclusive flavors and recipes have been able to survive till today. The best example for our country is lokum without a doubt. Magnificent rendezvous of sugar, starch and water generates lokum and has taken its present shape after various historical processes but also managed to maintain its conventionalism to a certain degree. Especially loqumania turkish delight is regarded as the most successful example in this sense and proves its credit with 40 different sale points all around the world. Lokum is emerged in 15th century and quickly spread to Anatolia, which then has become the special flavor of the palace; it is soon named as sultan sweet. Special recipes, special masters and dazzling fruits and flowers formed the core of lokum and have been the foundation of today’s recipe. Today, you can capture those qualities in loqumania turkish delight  that will take you to the most beautiful periods of history


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50+ years of experiences for gives us better results.


We export more than 30 country

Quality assurance certificates.

We produce our products with certificates ISO 9001-22000 and BRC.

Gluten free.

Gluten does not exist in our products.

Unique taste

The world’s most exclusive flavors and recipes have been able to survive till today.

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